SKAKAČ NA D5 - Marija Oršić i Vrilerinne - neispričana priča

Maria Orsic and The Ladies of the VRI-IL - untold story - book, movie or series concept. Looking for publisher, producer, director, agent, or studio exec searching for a great book, movie or limited series concept.

Maria Orsic and The Ladies of the VRI-IL - untold story

During 1919. in Munich, #Maria #Orsic and #Traute #Amon, with help of #Prelate #Gernot, head master of #Lords of the #Black #Stone ( Herren vom Schwarzen Stein - #HvSS), founded #Alldeutsche #Gesellschaft für #Metaphysik” (All German Society for Metaphysics). Secret and coded name for society was Vri-IL.

Following teachings of misterious #ISAIS (an entity claimed to contact them telepathically from the planet orbiting #Aldebaran - Alpha Tauri) they started their quest for bringing a New Age on the planet. Beside spiritual teachings and knowledge about Universal laws and mechanic, they received various technical data for nuclear, rocket and free energy devices they tried to replicate in cooperation with most brilliant scientists of that time like W.O. #Schumann, Victor #Schauberger, Nikola #Tesla, Albert #Einstein, Niels #Bohr etc. Outbreak of WW2 put them in the middle of the great conflict which turned out to be spread even beyond of the planet. More women with magical powers soon joined their rank. #Vrilerinen were very skillful and well educated in teachings that enable them to become powerful players in The Game.

However, Germany leadership was soon corrupted and lost the right path. Teachings were twisted and distorted, causing losing general support of forces and centers they previously enjoyed, thus loosing the war. However small group of people who were still following original teachings were able to free themselves. Rest of (us) remained here to face final stage of the 6th civilization on Earth. After the war, teachings and technologies were hidden and supressed, all records of actual people and events revised, history changed.

However, pieces of the story remained, dots are all over the place and careful searcher can still find enough to connect them. In the meantime, on March the 3rd 1972.g. NASA (under supervision of #Wernher #VonBraun), launched first long distant probe Pioneer 10 trough Solar system. His final target is star in the Taurus constellation. Aldebaran - Alpha Tauri.

Roman prati kapetana Wolffa Schepkea, kontra-obavještajca u periodu od 1937g do kraja 2.svjetskog rata. Pripremajući se za sudjelovanje u Njemačkoj ekspediciji na Tibet, susreće tajanstvenu Mariju Oršić. Tko je ona, koja je njezina priča, kako je došla do svih znanja i sposobnosti koje ima? Ona ga polako uvlači u misteriozno društvo Vril i uči ga kako koristiti djelatnu silu Univerzuma u globalnoj Igri koja je u tijeku. Sljedeći njezina učenja, Wolff sve dublje ulazi u dubine Igre, otkrivajući pri tome da u njoj sudjeluju i entiteti koji nisu sa ove planete. Igra će ga odvesti na Tibet, sudjelovat će u operaciji Anshluss, tragat će za Kopljem sudbine i ostalim artefaktima kojima su bili opsjednuti nacisti, proći će mnoge ključne događaje 2. svjetskog rata i susresti mnoge poznate i nepoznate ličnosti u pokušaju da shvati i odigra svoju Igru do kraja.

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